
“Siren” by Abrar Alatooli
“Siren” by Abrar Alatooli

As the Waves roar
You can’t drown out my voice
Working your 9-5
But I’m what’s on your mind
Fall deeper
I’m singing your song
Greek mythology
Turned into real life
Sitting by the waters
Luring you in
Come closer
Pushed by love and sin
This will be an experience
The depths of my mental
Or the waves
Which one will drown you?
My shyness but my confidence
Will be sure to confuse you
So slip beneath the waves
Where you’ll be swept up
By my sweet curse
Where you’ll fall in love
Without even being touched
As I sing my song
Grabbing men’s attention
Luring them to the depths of the water
Sirens can’t fall in love
We kill and swim
Sing and dream
Seduce and destroy
Pierce and enjoy
Peaceful with a touch of danger
Pure with a touch of risk
Holy with a touch of sin
Lonely only this island
Because of him
Scared of love
Pulling them in but testing them
Not even flinching when
They are destroyed by the the trials
I put them through
Isolated on the island
Because I have turned into a siren
As they drown
I wonder
Will anyone ever make it onto this island
I like to call safety
But yet a prison
Hoping to love again but
Scared to let you in.