2019 Barrett Winner
2nd Place Baraka Elmadari
You’re leaving tomorrow
19 years with you right down the street
Tomorrow is far away
so we talk and laugh
like we always do
We try to make the most of the time we have
But today is just like the others
I leave your house late and come back early
Without even noticing
today became tomorrow
with no sleep to divide them
The sun shining bright
but a dark cloud is in our hearts
pouring rain
a sinking feeling inside us
Tomorrow is today
but it doesn’t feel real
until you do one small thing that breaks me
All day yesterday you packed and planned
and I stayed intact
But you wear your burqa
and my heart says “you’re really leaving?”
and the rain bursts out of my eyes
It is a real question
like I’m waiting for you to tell me it’s all a joke
but you just hug me
and over your shoulder
I see the time
You leave 11
19 years felt like 20 minutes
6 months felt like 60 years