
2024 Barrett Winner

5th Place Kalimah Gardner

It appears I’ve met a stranger
who peers deeply into me as if we crossed paths before.
Star-crossed lovers promised to meet again.
His bronzed bristles gently sway across my cheeks.
Strokes of mahogany fill in the cracks
as I slowly become his.
A shade I had never seen before.
Color, I had never loved before.
He signs his signature across my frame
as if I were his and I kindly submit.
Strangely enticed by his gentle eyes and skillful hands.
Gravity pulls me to him
as we begin to melt.
Slapping pigment on a canvas.
We spread as our color runs deeper.
Watch, as it runs for miles.
Growing stronger with each stride.
Even within darkness, we seem to make fire spark.
I beam with the colors that dance within him.
Spirits, rather.
That make a home to a once hollow body.
Whose canvas bared blank.
Spotless. No pigment in sight.
No eyes to make visions come true.
No hands running ravid across my frame
brushing strokes of genius.
I sat against a wall.
Shivering in its coldness. Waiting for someone to color me beautiful. Not dabbled in rouge, blushed with pink, and polished with a white brush. You saw me and painted me bronze till I melted with the night. Out, I stepped. Transcending beyond my empty bed. You made me real. Colorful. You threw away the brush. Full. Not a speckle left to splatter. Only us. A work of art standing in a room full of empty canvases.