To Then, From Now



To Then, From Now

Sitrillah Gellani

Dear Childhood,


Salah Berri

Samir the mechanic, wide-eyed and smiling, edged the motorbike from his garage and stood it on its last crooked leg. The key, a bent spoon, he tossed to me obliquely. The bike had tires thin and a hundred times plugged and mended, brakes worn and feeble, mudguard twisted outwards, tail lamp scratched and drooping, handlebars stiff and rusted, and front lights scarcely luminescent. But it was all I could afford and I loved it for what it was worth: 95,000.


Justin Rogers

I don’t want to leave my shower today.
It’s cold out there; time to use the screwdriver
To jimmy the heater up to 75
And hope it’s low enough to maintain that bill
On top of this water bill that I’m already wasting
But I don’t want to leave my shower today.

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